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Lightroom Training Videos - Beginners Essential Skills

The Library Module

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Creating and Managing Catalogs
This video explains catalogue strategy. Do you use one or multiple catalogues. If you use more than one how to make new catalogues and move between them.
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Importing From a Computer
In this video you will learn how to import images from a hard drive on your computer.
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Importing images from a Camera or Cardreader
In this video you will learn how to import images into Lightroom from a Camera or Cardreader.
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Adding Keywords
In this video you will learn how to add keywords to images.
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In this video you will learn how to create, modify and delete Collections in Lightroom. Collections are used to gather together images from any location to form a subset of images for a project such as a slideshow.
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Target Collections
In this video you will learn how to use Target Collections to speed up your workflow creating collections.
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Smart Collections
In this video you will learn how to use a Smart Collection to gather images together based on criteria that you set.
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Ranking and Reviewing
In this video you will learn methods for ranking and reviewing your images.
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Renaming Images
In this video you will learn how to rename images and create a renaming template.
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The Painter Tool
In this video take a look at the largely misunderstood and underused tool, The Painter Tool, and share with you a secret about the Painter Tool.
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Grid and Loupe View
In this video you will learn how to totally customise the information that is displayed to help you in Grid and Loupe View.
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In this video you will learn how to set up Export Presets for Web and for Print.
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Importing from a Memory Card
There is more than one way to import images from a memory card. This is my favourite and most foolproof method.

The Develop Module

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The Basic Panel

Lets get stuck right in with probably the most important panel. This is a powerhouse panel that deserves a better name. It is anything but basic.

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Navigating The Basic Panel
In this video I will show you how to save time and effort in navigating through the Basic Panel Adjustments. Dont miss it...
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White Balance
In this video I show you how to set the White Balance in the Develop Module.
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The Tone Curve
In this video we explore the workings of the Tone Curve in the Basic Panel of the Develop Module.
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The HSL Panel
In this video we will look at global colour in Lightroom and how to make changes to it using the HSL panel.
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The Detail Panel Part 1
In this video I show you how to use the Sharpening section of the detail panel.
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The Detail Panel Part 2
In this video I show you how to use the Noise Reduction in the Detail panel.
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The Guided Upright Tool
In this video I show you how to correct perspective using the Guided Upright Tool
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Post Crop Vignette
In this video I show you how to use the Post Crop Vignette
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Removing Chromatic Aberration
In this video we will explore the phenomenon of Chromatic Aberration, its causes and how to remove it using the Lens Corrections Panel in Lightroom.
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External Editing with Photoshop
In this video I show you how to use Photoshop as an External Editor.
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History Snapshots and Reset
In this video you will learn how to use History, Snapshhots and Reset in your workflow.
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Amount Slider and Adaptive Presets
In this video we look at the new Amount Slider and Adaptive Presets in Lightroom Classic June 2022 Release
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The New Masking Panel
A major new update in Lightroom Classic CC is the introduction of Masking in the form of the new masking Panel. Lets explore this amazing new feature along with a couple of minor updates.
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In this video you will learn all about the improvements to the masking functions in Lightroom Classic CC in the June 2022 release of V11.4.
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External Editing with Photoshop
In this video I show you how to use Photoshop as an External Editor.
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Whats New April 2023
In this video we look at what's new in the April 2023 release of Lightroom Classic.
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The New Generative Remove Tool
Generative Remove is a new option in the Remove Tool in Lightroom Classic that uses Adobe Firefly generative AI technology to remove large unwanted objects and distractions from your images. The Generative Remove tool works on both RAW and non RAW images.

The Map Module

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The Map Module
In this video we look at how to organise and display your images a little differently on a world map.

The Book Module

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Getting Organised for a Creating a Book
Before you start on a book project it is always best to get organised first. In this video I share some thoughts on how to do just that.
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Book settings and Preferences
In this video you will learn the basics of the Book Settings panel and how to set important Book preferences.
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The Auto Layout Panel
In this video you will learn how to use the Auto Layout Panel.
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Create a Custom Auto Layout
In this video you will learn how to create your own Auto Layout Presets
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Customising The Page Layout
In this video we will learn how to use the Guides panel in the Book Module.
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The Guides Panel
In this video we will learn how to use the Guides panel in the Book Module.
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The Cell Panel
In this video you will learn how to use the Cell Panel in the Book Module to create Padding
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The Text Panel
In this video you will learn how to use the Text Panel in the Book Module.
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Adding Page Numbers:
In this video you will learn how to add page numbers to your Book Creation.
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The Type Panel
In this video you will learn how to customise text with the Type Panel
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The Background Panel
In this video you will learn how to add a background image or graphic to your Book Project.
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Saving Your Book Project
In this video you will learn how to save out your Book Projects.
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Making a custom Front and Back Cover
In this video you will learn how to make a custom front and back cover for your book project.

The Slideshow Module

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Making a Slideshow
In this video you will learn how to make a slideshow start to finish

The Print Module

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Using The Print Module
In this video you will learn how to use the Print Module to create a poster.

The Web Module

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The Web Module Overview
In this video we take a brief look at the workings of the web module

Whats New

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In this video you will learn all about the improvements to the masking functions in Lightroom Classic CC in the June 2022 release of V11.4.